Long time no blog! However, I have been a busy beaver :)baselayout-1.13 has undergone some serious stress testing by dsd and we’ve made some good improvements to reliability when shutting down, solving a few race issues and sorting out dependencies hopefully for once and all 8)Parallel startup has also had some speedups, and my hdd light is now hardly out once we enter rc properly (if anyone knows how to speed up udev, let me know)So how do we now compare to other init systems such as init-ng, eINIT and Upstart? Well, I don’t know as I’ve not done a comparison on speed, but I’m not sure just how much faster the others are if any over baselayout as my hdd light is now pretty much always on. Comments- hopefully with bootcharts are welcome :)baselayout-1.13 has been the default init systems on Gentoo/FreeBSD for 3 months now and it’s proven very reliable, so don’t have that much fear about unmasking it. The only reason why it’s still masked is that we need baselayout-1.12.9 stable as that can understand the on-disk service state from 1.13 so we can downgrade/upgrade cleanly.dhcpcd-3.0.9 will get a stable bug by the end of the month, so test if now if you have any concerns as I’ll be punting older dhcpcd versions after it’s stable on all arches.I’ve also been marking loads of GNOME packages with the ~x86-fbsd keyword. So, what still needs to be done? Well, patches need to be accepted for libgtop and gnome-vfs. Then all we need in Gentoo is for control-center to support a hal USE flag so it can be disabled on FreeBSD as it doesn’t work there. That’s it- just 3 little things for gnome-light to be fully keyworded. A few other GNOME packages require patched here and there, but work just fine :)