OK. I am really really stiff all over. This gardening lark is the way to a trimmer bod all right ;) The key is to get going- sometimes I need a kick up the back side, but once I’m going I’m like the Duracel Bunny :PSo the back garden is pretty bare now. The grass has been taken up, another tree stump removed and some digging and weeding done. Even though it now looks very bare, it also looks very good as we can finally see some real progress! :) Abbey and I knocked up a rough guide to how we want our new garden too look, although the more exotic features will have to wait for a while :(Garden TODO List:Remove 3 tree stumps (1 is from a really really big fur tree- not going to be easy)Dig, weed, level, compress, level, compress, level, compress, level, compress back mudLay new turf on mudRelax :)