dhcpcd-2.0.0 went stable on all platforms a few days ago- due to the vast amount of bugs reported since it went stable on amd64 and x86 (zero), it’s a good time to prune the old ebuilds.

This means that you have to use baselayout-1.11.x as older versions used the-z “release lease but cache IP” no longer works. It didn’t work anyway from the DHCP servers perspective so you loose nothing :)

The main difference from the 1.3 gentoo patchset - aside from loosing the above - is the integration of the Debian and Gentoo patchsets. Yay.

Upstream is dead, so we forked - Simon Kelly (Debian dhcpcd maintainer) and I merged patchsets and created dhcpcd-2.0.0 :)

Which you now have 8)Woooooooooooo. Means absolutely didly aside from one small detail- no more 25k patches because the new upstream listens!

Enough - I need a smoke, more port and some more victims in ET :P