dhcpcd-7.2.0 has been released with the following changes of note:

  • build: latest gmake-3 works once more
  • build: exits on error in a subdir
  • BSD: PF_LINK sockets now closed when no longer needed
  • BSD: Fix detecting interface for scoped routes
  • Solaris: Many, many, many fixes- pretty much works now
  • script: Allow "" to mean /dev/null
  • script: Add static routers and routes to env
  • DHCP: outbound interface is no longer dictated with IP_PKTINFO
  • DHCP: BPF sockets now closed when no longer needed
  • DHCPv6: Allow nooption dhcp6_unicast to work
  • DHCPv6: Don’t spam syslog if we always get the same error
  • route: Log pid which deleted routes of interest

Sorry for the longer delay than normal in getting this release out. Anwyay, this is likely the last feature release from the-7 branch. Just minor bug fixes and any security issues from this point. A dhcpcd-7 branch has now been created for maintainance.

FTP: ftp://roy.marples.name/pub/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-7.2.0.tar.xz
HTTP: https://roy.marples.name/downloads/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-7.2.0.tar.xz